August 30, 2012

My Dramatic Monologue

Today was the second day for my acting class. We discussed things that we observed around us in the past week or so. I talked about my observation of people, especially in business, that twist the truth as a means to an end. It's amazing how someone will say what they want to say even though it is false and they know it. Anyways, the whole discussion lasted an hour and a half. Next week, we will start reading the scripts that we will be working on this semester. I'm quite excited for that!

Today was also my first meeting with my independent study adviser. I was happy to report that I've found the dramatic monologue that I will be working on this semester. It is from the play called FLIPZOIDS by Ralph B. Pena. I can really relate to the character and I felt like it was my story, too. Needless to say, I'm excited to be working on this monologue.

August 28, 2012

First Day Of Acting Class + #WhiteCollar Chat

Today was my first day of class with Robert Foxworth. This is the second time I will be taking his class. I'm looking forward to honing my craft and learning from him this semester. I'm also looking forward to the plays that we would be working on this semester.

Check out this photo I subtly took while waiting for the class to start.

If you don't know who Robert Foxworth is, click here.

On another note, since today is Tuesday, I got to chat yet again with the wonderful Marsha Thomason! I feel so lucky that I get to chat with her on Twitter!

Lastly, I will be meeting with my adviser this Thursday to talk about my independent study in theater. I've already chosen the play Flipzoids by Ralph Pena as my dramatic piece. I'm excited to get some practice and have my monologues ready by the time I graduate in December!

August 22, 2012

Live Chat with Marsha Thomason from White Collar!

Yesterday, a new episode of White Collar premiered. Since I live in the West Coast, I couldn't watch it with people on the East Coast, not to mention I had no cable to begin with. There was, however, a live Twitter chat with Marsha Thomason who plays Diana in the show. I didn't expect replies from her, so I was pleasantly surprised when she replied to a few of my tweets. Fan Moment...

My favorite tweet?

Pray that my dream will come true one day, and I would get to work with the amazing cast and crew of White Collar!

August 15, 2012

Welcome To My Official Acting Blog!

Hi everyone!

Welcome to my official acting blog! I've created this to share my journey with all of you. The struggles and successes that I might face will be chronicled here. I hope you would come by periodically to see if there's anything new with me!

Please check out the tabs above if you want to learn more!