January 17, 2013

Rehearsal: Day 8

Day 8:

Yet another awkward day, but we were able to finish blocking the entire show. I won't go over the issues, but let's just say it's best to stay professional and to commit when you said you would.

We learned the "Hippie Dance" today. Basically, glide around the stage and high-five people as if we were all high and happy :) Good stuff!

I believe the show will open on January 27. I will confirm when I know more. I hope some of you can come see the show. The ticket is $20/person.

Lastly, I'm staying in Santa Monica until Saturday with an acquaintance. She was nice enough to offer me her apartment while I'm in LA so I don't have to drive back and forth so much. I'm very thankful because the drive is starting to "drive" me crazy. I don't know if I can do it much longer, so I'm also looking for a new place to move to.


Lisa Kessler said...

I'm glad you found a place to stay!!! That's the nastiest drive ever!


Lisa :)

Arianne said...

Haha, I got used to it after the first week. But yes, it's nasty for my wallet and my sanity sometimes.

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